Join us at our Community Open Day at Besson Street

Besson Street Community Garden New Cross Gate

Inviting you to come and visit on Sunday 21st May

Pop-up pre-loved market

21 May 2023
1 pm – 4 pm

The market will be on Besson Street directly outside the garden – for a pitch contact Jill on 0207 639 7605 or

Open Garden

21 May 2023
2 pm – 5 pm

We are taking part in the Telegraph Hill Open Garden weekend and will be welcoming visitors to our glorious garden!

See the attached flyer for more information or download the map of all the open gardens taking place in Telegraph Hill.


How Would You Like to See Fordham Park Improved?

“Fordham Park, London Borough of Lewisham, SE14” by Ewan-M is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Do you have ideas for improving Fordham Park? Friends of Fordham Park will be applying for this year’s round of the Lewisham Council Greening Fund: In the previous round, we successfully applied for £14,000 for 3 new bins, 2 water fountains (to be installed) and bird nest boxes.

The themes this year are Young People and Play, Access, and Biodiversity and Sustainability. Sent your ideas to or ring Laura on 07761 770 997.

A message from the Woodland Trust

Trees are our strongest warriors in the battle against climate change. they lock up carbon, fight flooding and cool our cities. But there are simply not enough of them to tackle the climate emergency. To hit the government’s 2050 carbon net zero target, the UK desperately needs more trees. together we can make that happen. Join our climate change army and help us reach our target to get 50 million trees in the ground over the next five years.
– Plant a tree
– Speak up
– Support the Woodland Trust `